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Student Services Fee

All registered students are assessed the Student Services Fee, which is set by the Vanderbilt Board of Trust and billed through the Office of Student Accounts. This fee is mandatory and cannot be removed or waived. The summer Student Services Fee is determined during the spring semester and posted accordingly to the Office of Student Accounts  where the fall and spring Student Services Fee is also listed.

Some students may receive scholarships or awards that pay all or a portion of their tuition and fees. The terms and conditions of these awards vary, and it is each student’s responsibility to understand the awards’ cost coverage. Any portion of tuition and/or fees not covered by an award remains the student’s financial responsibility.

The Student Services Fee provides financial support, based on the University’s needs, for student co-curricular interests, organizations, events, and programs, as well as student support services and resources, which may be carried out through, among others, the following entities:

  • Arts and Campus Events
  • Athletics
  • Career Center
  • Center for Student Wellbeing
  • Dean of Students
  • Graduate Student Council
  • Greek Life
  • Immersion Resources
  • Project Safe
  • Recreation and Wellness Center
  • Student Care Coordination
  • Student Care Network
  • Student Center for Social Justice and Identity
  • Student Centers
  • Student Leadership Development
  • Student Organizations
  • Tutoring Services
  • University Counseling Center
  • Vanderbilt Student Communications
  • Writing Studio 

This list is merely intended to be representative of the type of co-curricular interests, organizations, events, and programs, and student support services and resources that may be funded through the Student Services Fee.  Allocations are designated each academic year to best meet the needs of the University in serving and supporting students at that time.

For the funding of student organizations, the Student Services Fee Committee is a representative student group appointed by Vanderbilt Student Government (VSG) through an application process. On an annual basis, the Committee makes recommendations to the Dean of Students for allocation of the designated funds collected as Student Services Fee to registered student organizations.