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Allegra Skye Anderson

Doctoral Candidate
Research Area: Clinical Science

Risk and protective factors influencing the development of psychopathology.

I am a sixth-year doctoral candidate in the Clinical Science Ph.D. program at Vanderbilt and a clinical psychology resident at Alpert Brown Medical School of Brown University. I am primarily interested in familial, behavioral, and physiological mechanisms underlying the development of psychopathology in youth exposed to adversity or trauma. Using a range of advanced statistical methods (e.g., multilevel modeling, meta-analysis), I aim to elucidate modifiable risk and protective factors that may promote adaptive outcomes in youth exposed to a range of adversities. 

Representative Publications

Peer-reviewed Publications:

Anderson, A.S., Siciliano, R.E., Reising, M.M., Watson, K.H., Dunbar, J.P., Bettis, A.H., Gruhn, M.A., Compas, B.E. (in press) Youth coping and symptoms of anxiety and depression: Associations with age, sex, and interpersonal stress. Current Psychology.

Conway, C., Grogans, S., Anderson A.S., Islam, S., Hur, J., DeYoung, K., Shackman, A.J. (2023) Neuroticism is prospectively associated with 30-month changes in broadband internalizing symptoms, but not narrowband positive affect or anxious arousal, in emerging adulthood. Clinical Psychological Science0(0). 

Kim, H.C., Kaplan, C.M., Islam, S., Anderson, A.S., Piper, M.E., Bradford, D.E., Curtin, J.J., DeYoung, K.A., Smith, J.F., Fox, A.S., Shackman, A.J. (in press) Acute nicotine abstinence amplifies subjective withdrawal symptoms and threat-evoked fear and anxiety, but not extended amygdala reactivity. 

Siciliano, R.E., Anderson, A.S., Vreeland, A.J., Gruhn, M.A., Henry, L.M., Watson, K.H., Liu, Q., Cole, D.A., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Compas, B.E. (in press) Physiology and Emotions: Within Individual Associations During Caregiver-Adolescent Conflict.

Anderson, A.S., Watson, K.H., Reising, M.M., Dunbar, J.P., Gruhn, M.A., Compas, B.E. (2023) Adolescents' Coping and Internalizing Symptoms: Role of Maternal Socialization of Coping and Depression Symptoms. Mental Health & Prevention, 30, 200270. 

Anderson, A.S., Siciliano, R.E., Pillai, A., Jiang, W., Compas, B.E. (2023) Parental Drug Use Disorders and Youth Psychopathology: Meta-Analytic Review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 244, 109793.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.109793

Anderson, A.S., Siciliano, R.E., Henry, L.M., Watson, K.H., Gruhn, M.A., Kuhn, T.M., Ebert, J., Vreeland, A., Ciriegio, A.E., Guthrie, C., Compas, B.E. (2022) Adverse Childhood Experiences, Parenting, and Socioeconomic Status: Associations with Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Adolescence. Child Abuse & Neglect125, 105493.  

Siciliano, R.E., Anderson, A.S., Compas, B.E. (2022) Autonomic Nervous System Correlates of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Youth: Meta-Analysis and Qualitative Review. Clinical Psychology Review, 102125. 

Henry, L., Watson, K., Cole, D., Torres, S., Vreeland, A., Siciliano, R., Anderson, A. S., Gruhn, M., Ciriegio, A., Broll, C., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Compas, B. E. (2022) Moment-to-moment affective synchrony in parents and their adolescents. Development and Psychopathology. 1-14.  

Hur, J., Kuhn, M., Grogans, S.E., Anderson, A.S., Islam, S., Kim, H.C., Tillman, R.M., Fox, A.S., Smith, J.F., DeYoung, K.A., Shackman A.J. (2021) Anxiety-related frontocortical activity is associated with dampened stressor reactivity in the real world. 

Anderson, A.S., Watson, K.H., Reising, M.M., Dunbar, J.P., Bettis, A.H., Gruhn, M.A., Compas, B.E. (2021) Relations Between Maternal Coping Socialization, Adolescents’ Coping, and Symptoms of Anxiety and DepressionJournal of Child and Family Studies. 

Watson, K.H., Anderson, A.S., Savin, K., Penner, F., Williams, E., Reising, M., Dunbar, J., Bettis, A.H., Gruhn, M., Compas, B.E. (2021)  Observed maternal coping socialization and child internalizing symptoms: The roles of maternal depressive symptoms and peer stress. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 

Hur, J., Smith, J., DeYoung, K.A., Anderson, A.S., Kuang, J., Kim, H.C., Tillman, R. Kuhn, M., Fox, A.S., Shackman, A.J. (2020) Anxiety and the neurobiology of uncertain threat anticipation. Journal of Neuroscience. 

Prussien, K.V., Siciliano, R.R., Ciregio, A., Anderson, A.S., Sathanayagam, R., Compas, B.E. (2020) Correlates of Cognitive Function in Sickle Cell Disease: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 

Vreeland, A., Ebert, J.S., Kuhn, T.M., Gracey, K.A., Shaffer, A.M., Watson, K.H., Gruhn, M.A., Henry, L., Dickey, L., Siciliano, R., Anderson, A.S., Compas, B.E. (2020) Predictors of Placement Disruptions in Foster Care. Child Abuse and Neglect. 

Hur, J., DeYoung, K.A., Islam, S.*, Anderson, A.S.*, Barstead, M.G., Shackman, A.J. (2019) Social context and the real-world consequences of social anxiety. *Contributed equally. Psychological Medicine

Manuscripts Under Review:

Anderson, A.S., Siciliano, R.E., Gruhn, M. A., Cole, D., Henry, L. M., Vreeland, A.J., Watson, K.H., Kuhn, T. M., Ebert, J., Ciriegio, A.E., Compas, B.E. (under review) Parental depression symptoms, skin conductance level reactivity, and parenting: Associations with youth psychopathology. Department of Psychology and Human Development, 青青草视频.

Siciliano, R.E., Anderson, A.S., Gruhn, M.A., Henry, L.M., Vreeland, A.J., Watson, K.H., Ciriegio, A.E., Liu, Q., Cole, D.A., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Compas, B.E. (under review) Momentary Autonomic Engagement During Parent-Adolescent Conflict: Parent and Adolescent Coping as Moderators of Associations with Emotions. Department of Psychology and Human Development, 青青草视频.

Gruhn, M.A., Siciliano, R.E., Anderson, A.S., Vreeland, A.J., Henry, L.M., Watson, K.H., Slavich, G., El-Sheikh, M., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Compas, B.E. (under review) Early life adversity and autonomic nervous system coordination in response to acute stress.

Grogans, S., Hur, J., Barstead, M., Anderson, A.S., Islam, S., Kim, H.C., Tillman, R.M., Fox, A.S., Smith, J.F., DeYoung, K.A., Shackman, A.J. (under review) Neuroticism/negative emotionality is associated with increased reactivity to uncertain threat in the extended amygdala.

Symposium Presentations:

Gruhn, M.A., Watson, K.H., Henry, L., Vreeland, A., Siciliano, R., Anderson, A.S., Dickey, L., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Compas, B.E. (2019) Physiologic and Cognitive-behavioral Responses to Stress as Predictors of Internalizing Problems in Youth With and Without Trauma Histories. Symposium presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.

Selected Conference Poster Presentations:

Grogans, S. E., Hur, J., Kuhn, M., Anderson, A. S., Islam, S., Kim, H. C., Tillman, R. M., Fox, A. S., Smith, J. F., DeYoung, K. A., & Shackman, A. J. (2022). Diminished vmPFC safety signaling is associated with pervasively elevated real-world negative affect. Poster to be presented to the annual meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, New Orleans, LA.

Anderson, A.S., Siciliano, R.E., Henry, L.M., Watson, K.H., Gruhn, M.A., Kuhn, T.M., Ebert, J., Vreeland, A., Ciriegio, A.E., Guthrie, C., Compas, B.E. (2021) Adverse Childhood Experiences, Parenting, and Socioeconomic Status: Associations with Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Adolescence. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2022 ADAA Annual Conference in Denver, CO.

Grogans, S. E., Hur, J., Barstead, M. G., Anderson, A. S., Islam, S., Kim, H. C., Kuhn, M., Tillman, R. M., Fox, A. S., Smith, J. F., DeYoung, K. A., & Shackman, A. J. (2021). Neuroticism/negative emotionality is associated with increased reactivity to uncertain threat in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Poster presented to the annual meeting of the Society for Social Neuroscience, Virtual Meeting. 

Grogans, S. E., Hur, J., Barstead, M. G., Anderson, A. S., Islam, S., Kim, H. C., Kuhn, M., Tillman, R. M., Fox, A. S., Smith, J. F., DeYoung, K. A., & Shackman, A. J. (2021). Neuroticism/negative emotionality is associated with increased reactivity to uncertain threat in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Poster presented to the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Virtual Meeting.

Anderson, A.S., DeYoung, K.A., Grogans, S.E., Wedlock, J., Islam, S., Barstead, M, Shackman, A.J. BIPOC Undergraduate Students’ Experiences with Microaggressions and Discrimination: Prevalence and Associations with Mental Illness. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology. 

Anderson, A.S., Grogans, S.E., Wedlock, J., DeYoung, K., Shackman, A.S. Microaggressions Experienced by Black Undergraduates Across the United States: Risk and Resilience. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2021 Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Anderson, A.S., Garber, J., Weersing, V.R., Compas, B.E. Correlates of Children's Coping and Internalizing Symptoms: A Multilevel Modeling Approach. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2021 Annual Convention for the Association for Psychological Science.

Anderson, A.S., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Watson, K., Gruhn, M., Vreeland, A., Henry, L., Siciliano, R., Ciriegio, A., Torres, S., Compas, B.E. (2020) Financial Insecurity and Parental Educational Attainment Moderate the Relationship Between Child Neglect and Youths’ Anxious/Depressed Symptoms. Poster presented at the 2020 Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. 

Siciliano, R., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Watson, K., Gruhn, M., Vreeland, A., Henry, L., Anderson, A.S., Ciriegio, A., Torres, S., Compas, B.E. (2020). Current Stress Moderates the Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Youth. Poster presented at the 2020 Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Henry, L., Torres, S., Watson, K., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Gruhn, M., Vreeland, A., Siciliano, R., Anderson, A.S., Ciriegio, A., Compas, B.E. (2020). Moment-to-Moment Affect Synchrony in Caregiver-Child Interactions. Poster presented at the 2020 Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Anderson, A.S., Siciliano, R., Henry, L., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Watson, K., Gruhn, M., Vreeland, A., Ciriegio, A., Torres, S., Compas, B.E. (2020) Buffering or Exacerbating the Risk of Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Impact of Parents’ Own Coping on Adolescent Adjustment. Poster accepted for preseation ntthe Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention in Chicago, IL.

Siciliano, R., Anderson, A.S., Henry, L., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Watson, K., Gruhn, M., Vreeland, A., Ciriegio, A., Torres, S., Compas, B.E. (2020) Adolescent Coping Moderates the Association of Childhood Emotional Abuse and Neglect and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms. Poster accepted for presentation for the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention in Chicago, IL.

Henry, L, Siciliano, R., Anderson, A.S., Ebert, J., Kuhn, T., Watson, K., Gruhn, M., Vreeland, A., Ciriegio, A., Torres, S., Compas, B.E. (2020) Measurement of Coping and Emotion Regulation in the Laboratory and Implications for Daily Ratings. Poster accepted for presentation for the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention in Chicago, IL.

Anderson, A. S., Watson, K. H., Reising, M. M., Dunbar, J. P., Bettis, A. H., Gruhn, M. A., Compas, B. E. Predictors of Maternal Coping Suggestions to Adolescents: Adolescent Age, Parenting, and Mothers’ Own Coping. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2020 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research in Adolescence.

Hur, J., Smith, J.F., DeYoung, K.A., Kuang, J., Anderson, A.S., Tillman, R., Kim, H.C., & Shackman, A.J. (2019) The neurobiological substrates of uncertain and certain threat. Poster presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry.

Anderson, A.S., Reising, M. M., Watson, K. H., Dunbar, J. P., Bettis, A. H., Gruhn, M. A., Compas, B.E. (2019) Coping with Peer Stress in Youth: Age and Gender as Moderators of the Association with Anxiety and Depression. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Anderson, A. S., Watson, K. H., Reising, M. M., Dunbar, J. P., Bettis, A. H., Gruhn, M. A., Compas, B. E. (2019) Secondary control coping mediates the relationship between the socialization of coping and children’s anxious/depressed symptoms. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Convention for the Association for Psychological Science in Washington, D.C.

Hyung Cho, K., Hur, J., Smith, J., DeYoung, K.A., Kuang, J., Anderson, A.S., Tillman, R.M., Shackman, A.J. (2018) Neurobiological reactivity to uncertain and certain threat. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting for the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society.

Hur, J., Smith, J.F., DeYoung, K.A., Kuang, J., Anderson, A.S., Tillman, R., Kim, H.C., & Shackman, A.J. (2018) The neurobiology of anticipating uncertain and certain threat. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Convention of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

Anderson, A. S., Barstead, M. G., DeYoung, K. A., Shackman, A. J. (2018) Risky Patterns of Alcohol Use Alter the Emotional Impact of Daily Events in the Real World. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Islam, S., Hur, J, Anderson, A.S., Limon, D., DeYoung, K.A., Barstead, M.G., Shackman, A.J. (2018) Social Context is a Key Determinant of Socially Anxious Individuals’ Real-World Emotion. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Anderson, A. S., Barstead, M. G., DeYoung, K. A., Shackman, A. J. (2017) Ecological Momentary Assessment Provides New Insights into the Interaction of Neuroticism and Daily Events. Poster presented at the 2017 Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.



National Register of Health Service Psychologists Internship Travel Scholarship. American Psychological Foundation, 2023.

Russel G. Hamilton GLI Professional Development & Training Grant. 青青草视频, 2022. 

Julius Seeman Award. 青青草视频, 2022.

Alies Muskin Career Development Leadership Award Program (CDLP). Anxiety & Depression Association of America, 2022.

Trainee, NIMH Developmental Psychopathology Training Grant: T32-MH18921. 青青草视频, 2021.

Harold Stirling Graduate Scholarship. 青青草视频, 2021.

Leadership Education to Advance Diversity (LEAD) Institute Fellowship. Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology/ APA Division 53, 2021.

Lisa M. Quesenberry Foundation Award. Community Foundation of Louisville, 2020.

Abby and Jon Winkelried Fellowship. 青青草视频, Fall 2019.