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Kimmy Marble

Assistant Professor of the Practice of Psychology and Human Development

Kimberly Marble is an assistant professor of the practice in the Department of Psychology and Human Development. She will teach courses in experimental research methods and social and personality development this fall. Her research focuses on how 4- to 10-year-old children decide who is a good source of information. She examines how children evaluate whether information about social groups is important for assessing the quality of another person’s knowledge and how children reason about moral principles that guide behavior in some of these situations.

Marble’s work provides opportunities to intersect with community partners such as children’s museums and science centers, which she hopes to expand in Nashville and surrounding areas throughout her Vanderbilt career.   

Marble is a triple graduate of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, having received her Ph.D. in developmental psychology in 2022, M.A. in experimental psychology in 2017 and B.A. in psychology in 2014.

Representative Publications

Caporaso, J. S., Ball, C. L., Marble, K. E., Boseovski, J. J., Marcovitch, S., Bettencourt, K. M., & Zarecky, L. (2022). An observational investigation on how exhibit environment and design intersect to influence parent-child engagement. Visitor Studies.

Marble, K. E., Caporaso, J. S., Bettencourt, K. M., Boseovski, J. J., Pathman, T., Marcovitch, S., & Scales, M. L. (2021). Children's Informant Judgments and Recall of Valenced Facts at a Science Center. Frontiers in Psychology12, 2262.

Marble, K. E., Boseovski, J. J., & Hill, A. (2021). Is Honesty Always the Best Policy? Children’s Perceptions of Negative Performance Feedback. Social Development. Advance online publication.

Thorn, J., Mayfield, K. E., Marble K. E., Boseovski, J. J., & Scofield, J. (2021). Judging the recipients of social actions. Social Development. Advance online publication.

Marble, K. E. & Boseovski, J. J. (2019). Children’s judgments of cultural expertise: The influence of cultural status and learning method. The Journal of Genetic Psychology: Research and Theory on Human Development, 180(1), 17-30. DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2018.1562418

Boseovski, J. J., Marble, K. E., & Hughes, C. (2017). Role of expertise, consensus, and informational valence in children's performance judgments. Social Development, 26(3),445-465. DOI:10.1111/sode.1220