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Lisa Venanzi

Graduate Student
Research Area: Clinical Science

Suicide capability and neural measures of threat processing

Representative Publications

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications 

Venanzi, L., Dickey, L., Pegg, S. & Kujawa, A. (2024). Delta-beta coupling in adolescents with depression: A preliminary examination of associations with symptom severity and treatment outcomes. Journal of Psychophysiology. doi.org/10.1027/0269-8803/a000333

Venanzi, L., Dickey, L., Green, H., Pegg, S., Benningfield, M., Bettis, A., Blackford, J., & Kujawa, A. (2022). Longitudinal predictors of depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, and alcohol use in response to COVID-19-related stress. Stress & Health, 1-13. doi.org/10.1002/smi.3125

O’Connor, S. S., Mcclay, M., Choudhry, S., Shields, A., Carlson, R., Alonso, Y., Lavin, K., Venanzi, L., Comtois, K. A., Wilson, J. E., & Nicolson, S. (2020). Pilot randomized clinical trial of the Teachable Moment Brief Intervention for hospitalized suicide attempt survivors. General Hospital Psychiatry, 63, 111-118. doi.org/10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2018.08.001

McClay, M. M., O’Connor, S. S., Groh, B. N., Baudino, M., Venanzi, L., Shields, A., Wilson, J. E., Bone, J., & Nicolson, S. (2018). Denial of suicide attempt among hospitalized survivors of a self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Psychiatric Services, 69(6), 657-663. doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.201700130


Conference Symposia

Venanzi, L., Pegg, S., Kujawa, A., Dao, A., Benningfield, M., & Bettis, A. (2023, November). Applying EEG to identify risk for suicide attempts in adolescents following acute psychiatric treatment. In R. Siciliano (Chair), Understanding cognitive and affective processes in adolescents at high risk for suicide during clinical transition periods. Symposium presented at the 57th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Seattle, WA

Venanzi, L. & Kujawa, A. (2021, November). Social support and parental conflict as predictors of response to group cognitive behavior therapy for adolescent depression. In R. Vaughn-Coaxum (Chair), CBT in context: Exploring the role of social and environmental contextual factors in the course and outcome of youth depression treatment and prevention. Symposium presented at the 55th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New Orleans, LA.

Selected Conference Poster Presentations

Venanzi, L. & Kujawa, A. (2023, April). Clinical and social factors underlying discrepancies in adolescent reporting of active suicidal thoughts. Poster presented at the annual Anxiety & Depression Association of America conference, Washington, DC.

Venanzi, L., Dickey, L., Pegg, S., & Kujawa, A. (2022, September). An examination of EEG delta and beta frequency bands in adolescents with depression: Associations with suicidal thoughts and behaviors and treatment response. Poster presented at the 36th annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Philadelphia, PA.

Venanzi, L., Pegg, S., & Kujawa, A. (2021, November). The impacts of trauma and reduced neural reward responsiveness in adolescent functioning. Poster session presented at the 54th annual meeting of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, Chicago, IL.

Venanzi, L., Dickey, L., Pegg, S., & Kujawa, A. (2021, September). Longitudinal predictors of psychopathology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster session presented at the virtual annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology.


Abby and Jon Winkelried Fellowship, 青青草视频. Awarded Fall 2024.

UC-Davis/SDSU ERP Boot Camp. Funded by R25MH080794 from the National Institute of Mental Health. July 2022.

Abby and Jon Winkelried Fellowship, 青青草视频. Awarded Spring 2022.

Russell G. Hamilton Scholar, 青青草视频. Awarded Fall 2020.